Missing Fields and Log States

Missing Fields

Each procedure includes a count in the upper right to display how many fields require data entry on the current page. 

Once data entry is complete, the Missing Fields count will be zero:

Log States

For log entries where all of the information may not be available at the time time the entry is created, the system will display a context-aware state to let the site and sponsor know if data is currently missing.

States eliminate the use of unnecessary missing field edit checks. States are configurable per log type and may vary between Subject Logs. For example, an Adverse Event entry may go through the following states from the time it occurs until it is resolved: Reported, Ongoing, Complete. Between states, the entry will be labeled as “Data Incomplete” indicating that there are fields that need to be entered in order to move the entry to the next pre-defined state.

Once all data is entered the Log state will represented as Complete

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