Anchor Dates

Setting the Anchor Date

Anchor Dates are used to project a subject's visit schedule for a period of the study, or for the duration of the study.  Prior to starting the first visit, the Anchor Date for the first visit must be set. To set the Anchor Date, click on “Set Date” and select the appropriate Anchor Date.  Typically, the Anchor Date is the day Screening started.

Modifying Anchor Dates

Once set, an Anchor Date cannot be modified.  Future Anchor Dates represented in blue can be modified to re-project subsequent expected visit dates and visit windows.  When a future Anchor Date is updated, future visit windows will be re-projected based on the new Anchor Date. To modify a future Anchor Date, click on it and select the appropriate date.

Visit Windows

Anchor Dates are used for projecting the visit schedule and used as "soft" visit windows.  I.e. any visit date can be entered regardless of the Anchor Date, however if a date is chosen that is outside of the visit window, the system will prompt for entry of reason visit occurred outside of window.

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