Site Logs

Site Logs provide an electronic equivalent of the paper logs that are required to be maintained at a site. Access to Site Logs is dependent on role type for a specific protocol.  The logs and information captured within them will vary by protocol.  Please check with your monitor if you have any questions on the requirements and use of these logs for your protocol.  

Add and Viewing Entries

Entries to logs can be added, updated, and viewed from the specific log screen after it has been selected from the list of logs.

1) Click the “New Entry” button to create a new entry

2) Click the “View” link to view or update the entry

3) Click "Site Log" button to download all site logs

Note:  A Site Log may be configured to simply collect the Date of Upload when only source documents are expected; i.e. no further data entry is expected.

Cross-out Entries

Log entries cannot be removed once they have been created. If an entry was created in error or is no longer valid it can be “crossed out”. To cross out an entry, click on the ‘x’ next to the corresponding entry and enter the reason the entry is being crossed out. Crossed-out entries can be “un-crossed out” by clicking on the checkmark.  

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