

Welcome to Flatiron In-app Training!  The goal of this training is to orientate users with the Flatiron system and should only take about 15 minutes to complete. We will not cover how to perform every function within the system but instead will provide reference to the major features and workflows and provide direction in how to get additional information at the time you actually need to perform that action.

How to Navigate Training

This training should be read through in the order presented. Every section will have a short overview and cover 2-5 sub-topics.  In an effort to reduce the time needed to read through the training, screenshots and videos are included in some of the sections.

Overview of Flatiron

The Flatiron platform is a Clinical Trial execution system that includes:

  • An interactive eProtocol
  • Protocol specific guidance and notices to aid protocol understanding and compliance
  • A Next-Gen EDC with the ability to import directly from EHR systems and/or upload source documentation for each procedure
  • CRA workflow for remote monitoring 
  • Real time data export in SDTM format

Accessing Additional Help

Additional help is available any time you need a refresher or more details on how to complete a particular task within the system. To access the in-app help system, click on your name in the upper-right and then select Help from the dropdown menu.

From the help window that is displayed, you can search with key words any help article.

You’ll also notice tooltips displayed throughout the application indicating that there is context sensitive help available. Clicking on a tooltip will reveal a help article related to the section of the application where the tooltip is located.

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