Release Notes 2.10.0

Flatiron Vessel Release Notes - Release 2.10.0

The following features were added as part of the Flatiron Vessel production release on February 1, 2024.

User Interface

  • Visit Procedure
    • A bug that caused the Performance Status of a procedure in the UI of an unscheduled visit to be missing or not matching the Procedure Performed History was fixed.
  • Subject Log
    • When an answer option is chosen for a field displayed in the log summary screen and then removed from the field in a configuration update, the subject log summary screen is grayed out and prevents users from accessing any of the log entries previously entered. The current workaround for this bug is to remove the field from the log summary screen, allowing users to access the log entries. This bug was fixed so that when such a configuration update is made, the field does not need to be removed from the log summary screen, preserving this screen with all necessary information.
  • Visit
    • A bug that prevented site users from creating an unscheduled visit was fixed.


  • User History
    • History of user access being added or updated via API is now included in the User History report, which can be found in Admin -> Users. The User History report is only available to users with Protocol Admin and Build Admin privilege.

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