Release Notes (2.9.0)

Flatiron Vessel Release Notes - Release 2.9.0

The following features were added as part of the Flatiron Vessel production release on December 14, 2023.

User Interface

  • Visit Procedure
    • In grid-format forms, the Add Rows button in dynamic grids is disabled once a user has clicked the button to prevent the addition of duplicated dynamic grid rows and re-enabled after the dynamic grid is added.
    • When a user had chosen a Reason not Performed after selecting “No - previously marked as Yes” but wanted to start the form again, they could not deselect the reason by choosing Select One from the dropdown menu and then clicking Select. This bug is fixed and users will not be prompted to remove the Reason not Performed when they choose Yes to restart the form.
  • Subject Log
    • A bug that displayed incorrect datetime stamps in the audit trail of data pushed to Vessel via Clinical Pipe was fixed. The audit trail now displays the actual date and time the transaction happens instead of the datetime stamp pushed via CP.
  • Visit Schedule
    • A bug that blocked updating the visit date of unscheduled visits of Source Upload studies was fixed.
  • Review Workflow
    • The statuses “Review Comment” and “Close - Custom Close Reason” were removed from the review workflow. Existing forms with these review statuses already chosen remain as is, but the two options will not be present for selection when review status of these forms are updated.
    • A bug that allowed users to mark a form as “No - previously marked as Yes” or “Not Required - previously marked as Yes” when the form is in “Review Comment” state was fixed.
    • A bug that created false review records for forms that have the review workflow turned off, making the forms inaccessible, was fixed.
  • Query Workflow
    • A bug that caused aggregate Query Status count on site level to be incorrect was fixed. 
    • A bug that caused Query Status count to be displayed only for the first page in the site list was fixed.
    • A bug that caused Query Status count to be missing for a few sites on the site list when other sites also have queries was fixed.


  • Dashboard Report
    • Users may select up to 50 sites to be included in Dashboard Report download. If more than 50 sites are selected, an alert will pop up to notify that “Maximum of 50 sites allowed”.
  • Clinical Listings
    • After users click on the Generate Report button to download Clinical Listings, the message “Clinical listing report is being generated.” will pop up and the download process will be backgrounded when users click the Close button. Once the clinical listings are generated, the Download window will appear for users to save the file.

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