Release Notes (2023.03 and 2023.03.02)

Flatiron EDC+ Release Notes - Release 2023.03.02

The following feature was added as part of the Flatiron Vessel production release on March 20, 2023.


  • Clinical Listings
    • A bug that caused the columns Visit Branch and Visit Date to be blank when a user with All Sites access downloaded clinical listings was fixed.

Flatiron Vessel Release Notes - Release 2023.03

The following features were added as part of the Flatiron Vessel production release on March 14, 2023.

User Interface

  • Visit Procedure
    • Visit procedure now supports dynamic grids. Users will be able to dynamically add as many rows (or sets of rows) as necessary for repeated data entry, similar to adding new subject log rows, by clicking the Add Rows button (see example screenshot below)
  • Visit Schedule
    • When the out-of-window visit workflow is disabled, visits marked as Not Done can now be marked as Done (start visit). Users will not be prompted to enter the reason for out-of-window visit when updating previously entered visit date.
    • A bug that caused visit dates in the Vessel user interface audit trail showing one day backwards from the entered visit date value was fixed.
  • Subject List
    • Subject Numbers imported via API were updated to not be editable by site users and PIs, if the option is configured for the study. The Edit option will not be visible for such subjects in the Subject List page.
  • Query Workflow
    • When opening a new query, the link displayed as “List Queries” at the top of the query panel was changed to “View Queries” to better communicate the functionality of the link.


  • Clinical Listings
    • A bug that caused clinical listings to display columns only for fields in the latest protocol version was fixed. All fields with data entered in all protocol versions are now included in clinical listings.
    • A bug that caused values entered in select-all-that-apply fields to be displayed incorrectly in clinical listings was fixed. The value displayed is now a concatenation of all values selected for the field, separated by a comma.
    • New columns were added to clinical listings
      • “CRF Version” - protocol version in which the data point is entered 
      • “Visit Date” - date of visit in which the data point is entered
      • “Visit Branch” - arm, cohort, or branch in which the data point is entered
  • Dashboard Report
    • Counts and percentage of CRFs that require monitor review were added.
      • In the “CRF Listing” tab, “Review required” column was added to the right of the “Current Review Status” column. The value in this column indicates whether the CRF is configured to require monitor review.
      • In the “Subject Log Listing” tab, “Visit Listing” tab, and “Subject Listing” tab, “Total CRFs w/ Review Required” column was added to the right of “Total CRFs”. The value in this column indicates the number of CRFs that are configured to require monitor review.
      • In the “Site Listing” tab:
        • “Total CRFs w/ Review Required” column was added to the right of “Total CRFs”. The value in this column indicates the number of CRFs that are configured to require monitor review.
        • “% Data Reviewed for Review-Required CRFs” column was added to the right of “% Data Reviewed”. Value is the same as “% Data Reviewed” but both numerator and denominator only includes CRFs that require review
  • Subject PDF
    • A bug that caused values entered in select-all-that-apply fields to be displayed incorrectly in subject PDFs was fixed.
    • Query history of crossed-out subject log rows is now included in subject PDF. 

Dynamic Grid

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