Release Notes (2021.02)

P1 EDC and P1 SU Enhanced Functionality Release Notes [Release 2021.02]

We have a few exciting product updates this month, we've rounded them all up here, so you can stay in the know!  The following features have been added as part of the P1 EDC production release on February 8, 2021.

Added Pagination and Sorting

To better support protocols with large numbers of sites and subjects, pagination, search, and sorting options have been added to the Site List, Subject List and User List screens.

Improve File Upload Process

Changes were made to the certified copy upload process to provide support for sites with slower internet connections. Large files will now upload without timeout issues regardless of network connection speeds.

Internet Explorer 11 / Legacy Edge Support

Due to Internet Explorer being a legacy browser with severe limitations and security issues for modern web applications, it is not recommended to be used. The following updates have been made and will be displayed to users when connecting to the system using IE11 or Legacy Edge:

  • A notification will be displayed on the login screen instructing the user that their browser is not recommended. 
  • If the user continues in Internet Explorer, a message will be displayed at the top of the screen as a reminder that their experience may be impacted due to their browser.

** Note: Access to the system using IE will no longer be allowed after August 16, 2021.

Disable Google Translate

The ability to use Google Translate to automatically translate the pages within the system has been disabled. Using this feature can cause issues in the presentation of the CRFs as well as impact how data is saved.

Additional Feature Updates

  • The Dashboard Report was updated to fix an issue where subject lock status was not correct.
  • The email field on the PI Signature screen was updated to allow for case-insensitive check of the entered address.
  • The Annotated CRFs were updated to append “Log” to the name of all subject logs.
  • The Data Entry Report was updated to include the full procedure name on each worksheet.

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