Release Notes (v19.12)

Protocol First Enhanced Functionality Release Notes [Release 19.12]

Happy Holidays!  We have a few exciting product updates this month, we've rounded them all up here, so you can stay in the know!

The following features have been added as part of the Protocol First production upgrade released on December 5, 2019. 

Feature Enhancements

Allow Site User to Un-submit/Unlock a Procedure

Site Users will have the ability to revert a submitted procedure back to open status if it has not been marked as Reviewed by the Monitor.  If any data is updated, the DM Review Required status (if used) will be reset.

To revert a submitted procedure back to Open status, use the Review button and select Unlock Procedure.  A comment is required when unlocking a procedure.

Default Timezone Display

The default timezone that Monitor, Data Management, and Read Only users view site data entry in has been updated to the site's local time.  This will be applied to all Visit Dates and Procedure data entry date and times. As a result of this update, the timezone toggle has been removed from all pages.

Scroll Back to Top Button

To allow for easier navigation back to the top of a page, a new “scroll back to top” button has been added to all pages that require scrolling beyond one screen of data.

Defect Fixes

Error when Uploading Source to Site Logs

Users were receiving an error when attempting to upload source data to Site Logs.  This has been resolved.

Clinical Listing Report Errors

  • Users were receiving an error periodically when the report was downloaded, or the report would download as corrupt.  This has been resolved. 
  • Crossed out entries will no longer be populated in the Clinical Listing Report.

Dashboard Report Errors

Review Comment and query message discrepancies with data reported in the Dashboard Report vs what users were finding via the front end interface have been resolved.

MFC Rolling up inaccurately

Missing Field Counts were not calculating accurately if a field was marked as Not Done and a new Deviation/Exception Log Entry was created.  This has been resolved.

Exception Formula Error

Certain exceptions were not being triggered if  the exception formula was configured using specific strings containing numbers.  This has been resolved.

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