Extended Session

Users have the ability to extend the inactivity timeout from 15 minutes to 12 hours by enabling the “Extended Session” feature.  Once a session is extended, users will be prompted to renew after 12 hours of inactivity. The session will reset upon browser refresh or logout.  i.e. Users must enable “Extended Session” at each login.

To enable an Extended Session:

  1. Select "Extended Session" from the drop down under your username.

  1. Acknowledge that you have screen saver enabled that meets the following requirements:
  • Password enabled to unlock screen.
  • Screen saver will be invoked automatically with 10 minutes or greater inactivity.

Actions that reset an Extended Session

Any action that refreshes the browser window will reset a user’s inactivity timeout to 15 minutes and the selection must be made again to enable an Extended Session.  Any of the following actions will refresh the browser window:

  • Use of the browser refresh button
  • Logging on with a duplicate window or tab
  • Processing error received
  • Clicking on the Flatiron icon

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