Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb Navigation

The breadcrumbs navigation is one of the main ways that you will get around. The breadcrumbs serve two purposes. First, they act as a guidepost letting you know exactly where you are within the system. Second, they offer a way to trace the path back to your original starting point. Clicking on any of the hyperlinked parts of the breadcrumbs will take you directly to that section.

The format of breadcrumbs in the Flatiron system is:  Home / Protocol / Site / Subject / Visit.  The breadcrumbs also let you know what version of the protocol is currently effective at a site as well as which version of the protocol was effective when a particular visit was started.

**Use of your browser’s back button is not supported in the application and clicking it will not take you back to the previous screen like it will on a typical web page.

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