Visit Dates

Visit Date Types

There are three types of dates that drive the subject visit schedule: Reference, Projected, and  Actual.

Reference Dates act as an anchor to calculate projected dates for the rest of the visits. 

Projected Dates display the date a visit should occur per the protocol scheduling. Earliest and latest dates may also be displayed if an allowable range is applicable for a particular visit.

Actual Dates are the dates the visits actually occurred and/or assessments were completed.

Setting Dates

Initial Projection: To set the initial projected schedule, click on the "Set Date" link for any visit. All other visits will be calculated using this date. 

Re-Projection: If at any time the subject gets off-schedule and the projected dates need to be adjusted, click on any of the blue projected dates to set that visit as the new reference date. This will re-calculate and adjust the projected date for all subsequent visits.

Actual Visit: To set the actual date for a visit, click on the visit name and then specify the date and time that the visit occurred. You will only be prompted to specify the actual date the first time that the visit is opened. Once an actual visit date is entered, it can be updated by clicking on the pencil icon next to the visit name.

Once a reference is set it cannot be changed. You will be asked to confirm the date after it is entered. Please ensure that the date is correct prior to confirming.

Visual Indicators

  • Projected dates are displayed in either black or blue text
    • Black indicates a date that has been set as a reference date.
    • Blue indicates that the visit can be used as a reference date if a re-projection is necessary.
  • Projected dates are surrounded by parenthesis when the actual date has been set for the visit.
  • Actual dates are displayed in green text.
  • Earliest and latest dates of an allowable window are displayed before and after the projected and actual dates.

Note: The dates displayed in for Reference Dates, Projected Dates and Actual Visit Dates are in the timezone set up on the viewer's device, and will be updated accordingly if the viewer changes their timezone setting.

In the Visit Update History, accessible by clicking on the clock icon or the pencil icon next to the Visit Name, the timezones of timestamps are as follows:

  • When column: timezone set up on the viewer's device and will be updated accordingly if the viewer changes their timezone setting.
  • Value column: as entered by the site user and there is no timezone conversion for different viewers in different timezones.

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