Procedure Data Entry

Procedure Selection

To view or enter data for a procedure:

1.  Select the Subject and Visit.  Once a Visit is initiated, all procedures available for the visit will appear.

2.  Select the Procedure, indicate whether it was performed, and select "Go".

3.  All fields associated with the procedure are available for data entry.  If available, Certified Copies can also be uploaded.

  1. If the procedure is accidentally started and needs to be reverted, this selection can be undone by selecting either "No - previously marked as Yes" or "Not Required - previously marked as Yes", depending on whether the procedure is required.
    1. If "No - previously marked as Yes" is selected, add a new entry or select an existing entry for Reason not performed.
    2. If "Not Required - previously marked as Yes" is selected, no further action is required for the procedure.

Before reverting a started procedure, verify that the procedure meets the following conditions:

    1. No data is entered in the procedure. If data have been entered, remove all data before reverting the procedure. An alert will pop up to indicate which data field needs to be cleared out.

    2. No certified copies are uploaded to the procedure. If certified copies have been uploaded, invalidate the certified copies before reverting the procedure. An alert will pop up to indicate the number of certified copies to be crossed out.

    3. The procedure is in Open state. Procedures cannot be reverted to Not Done status if they are in Review Comment or Reviewed state.


In the audit trail of data entry fields, accessible by clicking on the clock icon next to the field label, the timezones of timestamps are as follows:

  • When column: timezone set up on the viewer's device and will be updated accordingly if the viewer changes their timezone setting.
  • Value column: as entered by the site user and there is no timezone conversion for different viewers in different timezones.

The date and time entered for any data entry field on a subject log row are displayed as-is as entered by the site user. This datetime value is displayed the same for all viewers, regardless of the timezone setting on their device.

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