Release Notes (v19.03)

The following features have been added as part of the Protocol First production upgrade released on March 14, 2019.

Allow access to ICF tab for Data Management and Read Only roles

Access to the Informed Consent Form (ICF) tab is now available to all Data Management and Read-only users.

The ICF tab is available on the main Subject page and contains all Informed Consent Form versions that have been signed by the subject.  This new access is read-only, the information available to Data Management and Read-Only users is limited to the date the ICF was signed.

Authentication App Update

Authentication apps generate security codes for signing in to sites that require a high level of security. You can use these apps to get security codes even if you don’t have an internet connection or mobile service.

You can set up an authentication app to generate your security code. First, you’ll need to download an authentication app to your computer or phone. After installing and configuring the application to work with, you will be able to receive security codes without a phone number. Some options for authentication apps include:

Android options: Epic Authenticator

iOS options: Epic Authenticator

The Protocol First Authentication App will continue to function for all existing users.

Allow configurable, read-only access to site logs for non-site roles

Protocols can now be configured to allow read-only access to Site Logs for all role types.  By default, access is restricted to Site Users and CRAs for Site Logs. Site Logs are available on the main subject page.  Additional information on Site Logs is available in the Help Section of Protocol First.

Generate reports from Site Logs

All site logs are now exportable to PDF for users with access to the logs using the download button within the log.

New Auditor Role Type

A new role type is available that provides access identical to the Monitor (CRA) Role Type, with read-only access to the Procedure Review Workflow.  As with all other role types, the Auditor Role can be associated to one or more sites. A comprehensive matrix of all User Roles and Permissions is available in the Help section of Protocol First.

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