Icon Definitions

The following is a “cheat sheet” of all icons found within the Flatiron system.


Description Where it's found

Data Entry Status:  A blue tick/check-mark indicates data entry is complete for the procedure. Procedure Level 

Data Entry Status:  A purple minus sign indicates data entry is incomplete for the procedure. Procedure Level 

Data Entry Status:  A bolt icon indicates that data entry was done in source mode. Procedure Level 

Procedure Review Status:  A gray pencil indicates the Procedure Review status is open. Procedure Level

Procedure Review Status:  A blue arrow indicates the Procedure Review status is submitted. Procedure Level

Procedure Review Status:  A green tick/check-mark indicates the Procedure Review status is complete. Procedure Level

Procedure Review Status:  A purple dialogue balloon indicates that there is a CRA comment for the procedure. Procedure Level

Query Status:  A white flag indicates there is an open or answered query for the procedure or subject log entry

Procedure Level

Subject Log

Field Level Query: White box indicates that a field level query can be added by Monitors, Data Managers or Safety Users

Procedure Level

Subject Log

New Field:  A blue  double arrow indicates that a new field has been added to a Procedure where data entry was previously started. Procedure Level

Certified Copy:  A green photo icon indicates a procedure has one or more uploaded certified copies.

Visit Level

Procedure Level

Data Management Review Workflow: A black lock icon indicates Data Management has locked a Visit or Subject

Subject Level

Visit Level

Visit Status:  A red exclamation point indicates a visit was marked as Not Done Visit Level

Visit Status:  An orange exclamation point indicates a visit date was recorded outside of the expected window. Visit Level

PI Signature Status:  A blue remove symbol on the PI Signature tab indicates that PI signature for a subject is not complete. Subject Level

PI Signature Status:  A green certificate symbol indicates a PI has signed off on the subject’s casebook.. Subject Level

Enrollment Status:  A ban icon indicates that enrollment is done through IRT Study Level

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