Log to Procedure Linking

A Subject Log can be linked to one or more assessments within a visit where additional data related to the log entries may be captured throughout the course of the study. For example, a subject log may be used to track the identification of tumors (type, location, etc.) and assessments completed at visits track treatment and evaluation observations for each tumor entered in the log.  Not all Subject Logs that may be listed in a study can be linked to assessments in a visit.

Due to the dependent nature of this data it is important that the information be entered into the system in the correct order. These subject logs should be complete prior to starting the first visit containing the procedure, but can be added throughout the course of the study.

Log to Procedure Linking Process

Follow the standard Subject Log procedure to add, modify, and view these log entries.  

Initiate the procedure that is linked to the row.  

Select the rows that are linked to the procedure.

The rows that were selected will appear for additional data entry.

If additional rows need to be added to the procedure, return to the subject logs and enter the additional rows.

Additional rows will be available by pressing the add rows button within the procedure.

Rows are taken as a “snapshot” of the current log and cannot be removed.  Once added to this page, updates to the log entry are only reflected for new visits and will not modify the entry on procedures where the row was already added.

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