Procedure Review

Procedure Review is the built-in communication channel between sites and monitors. Each procedure (aka CRF) can go through multiple submission cycles and is finally closed by the monitor once all data is reviewed. 

In this article

  • Review Status Counts
  • Status Descriptions
  • Procedure Review Workflow
  • Queries on Reviewed Procedures

Review Status Counts

The current count of procedures grouped by review status is displayed and rolled up from subject visits, to subjects, and finally to the site level under the column labeled Review Status. Status counts are displayed in the format "a / b / c / d" where...

  • a = procedures with status of Open
  • b = procedures with status of Review Comment
  • c = procedures with status of Submitted
  • d = procedures with status of Reviewed

Status Descriptions

A procedure/CRF for a visit that has been started will always have one of the following Review statuses:

  • Open - Automatically set when a visit is started
  • Review Comment - Procedure has been reviewed by the monitor and is sent back to the site with a comment/question
  • Submitted - Procedure data entry is complete and is awaiting review by the monitor
  • Reviewed - Procedure data entry has been reviewed by the monitor

Procedure Review Workflow

The following steps make up the procedure review workflow:

1. Site user enters data and/or uploads source.

2. Site user submits the procedure for review using the Review button. 

Note:  When submitting for review, a comment is optional.

Timezone: timezone as configured on viewer's computer, regardless of roles

3.  Once the site user submits the procedure for review, the status of the procedure is updated to Submitted and data entry is locked.  

Note:  It can be unlocked by a site user for additional data entry as long as the procedure is in the Submitted status. 

4.  Monitor reviews the procedure.  Using the Review button, they can either

  • Close and mark the procedure as Reviewed Complete.  
  • Close and mark the procedure as Review Not Required, Not Done.
    • In the 2022.12 release, monitors can now issue queries on form and field level with the new query workflow in place of Review Comment. To issue a query, click on New Form-Level Query button on the form, or New Query button on any field in the form.

Note:  After a procedure is marked as Reviewed, a monitor can re-open the procedure at any time, by updating the status to Open, if further data entry updates are required.

Queries on Reviewed Procedures

If a Data Manager issues a query to a procedure marked as Reviewed, the procedure will be automatically unlock for data entry.  If data entry is updated, the procedure must be re-submitted for CRA Review. If the query is answered (and data entry updates are not made) the procedure does not need to be resubmitted.  


In the Review History, accessible by clicking the clock icon next to the Review button, the timestamp in the When column is in the timezone set up on the viewer's device and will be updated accordingly if the viewer changes their timezone setting.

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